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How many Taiwans?

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How much bigger is Taiwan than Hong Kong?
Taiwan is more than 32 times bigger than Hong Kong
Taiwan is more than 16 times bigger than Hong Kong
Taiwan is 2 times bigger.
Taiwan is more than 8 times bigger than Hong Kong.
How much bigger is Singapore than Taiwan?
It's not. Taiwan is almost 50 times bigger than Singapore.
It's not. Taiwan is almost 5 times bigger than Singapore.
Singapore is almost is 50 times bigger than Taiwan.
Singapore is almost 5 times bigger than Taiwan.
How many times bigger is India than Taiwan?
India is more than 90 times bigger.
India is more than 180 times bigger.
India is more than 45 times bigger.
India is more than 18 times bigger.
How much bigger is Brazil than Taiwan?
Brazil is about 235 times bigger.
Brazil is about 23 times bigger.
Brazil is about 123 times bigger.
Brazil is about 406 times bigger.
How much bigger is Iceland than Taiwan?
Iceland is more than 2 times bigger.
They are about the same size.
Iceland is more than 10 times bigger.
Iceland is more than 20 times bigger.
How much bigger is the Netherlands than Taiwan?
They are about the same size.
The Netherlands is 2 times bigger.
The Netherlands is 4 times bigger.
The Netherlands is 8 times bigger.
How much bigger is Japan than Taiwan?
Japan is more than 10 times bigger.
They are about the same size.
Japan is more than 50 times bigger.
Japan is more than 100 times bigger.
How much bigger is South Korea than Taiwan.
South Korea is more than 2 times bigger.
South Korea is more than 12 times bigger.
They are about the same size.
South Korea is more than 24 times bigger.
How much bigger is France than Taiwan?
France is about 18 times bigger.
France is about 3 times bigger.
France is about 9 times bigger.
France is about 36 times bigger.
How much bigger is Italy than Taiwan?
Italy is about 8 times bigger.
They are about the same size.
Italy is about 24 times bigger.
Italy is about 48 times bigger.
How much bigger is Egypt than Taiwan?
Egypt is about 28 times bigger.
They are about the same size.
Egypt is about 2 times bigger.
Egypt is about 280 times bigger.
California has a population of nearly 40 million people, which is more than any other state. It is the third largest state in the USA. How much bigger is California than Taiwan?
More than 11 times bigger
More than 7 times bigger
More than 3 times bigger
It's about the same size as Taiwan
Texas is the second largest state in the USA, and it also has the second biggest population with more than 29 million people living there. How much bigger is Texas than Taiwan?
About 19 times bigger
About 9 times bigger
About 4 times bigger
About 2 times bigger
How much bigger is the United Kingdom than Taiwan?
Almost 7 times bigger
Almost 67 times bigger
Almost 223 times bigger
Almost 111 times bigger
How much bigger is the continental United States than Taiwan? (Not including Alaska or Hawaii)
About 223 times bigger
About 111 times bigger
About 446 times bigger
About 56 times bigger
Most people know that Russia is the county with the most land. How much bigger is it than Taiwan?
472 times bigger
236 times bigger
59 times bigger
30 times bigger