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Charlotte's Web
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Fill in the gap with the missing word: From across the road a _________ sang "Whippoorwill, whippoorwill! "
Who does Charlotte tell Wilbur to leave some of his food for?
How do we know Charlotte is a good friend of Wilbur?
She wants to help him by not letting him die
What happened when Wilbur tried to spin a web?
He jumped into the air and landed on the ground with a thud, crashed and hurt
What does sedentary mean?
You like to stay home and/or be alone
What did Lurvy use to smoke tobacco?
A pipe
What is tobacco?
Something people smoke
How does Wilbur feel when the lamb says he is smelly?
Sad- 'His eyes grew wet with tears'
What did Wilbur want to drink, but couldn't, because it was all gone?
What food did Wilbur go back to his trough to finish?
Mashed potato
What was Charlotte working on?
A plan to make sure Wilbur does not die
What adjective does the lamb use to describe Wilbur?
Smelly- he's the smelliest animal on the farm
How many meals does Mr Zuckerman bring for Wilbur each day?
Did Wilbur manage to make a web?
Who brings Wilbur some string so he can try and spin a web?
What can Charlotte do that Wilbur tries to do?
Spin a web
How many sections does Charlotte tell Wilbur her legs have?
What part of Charlotte's body does Wilbur say is hairy?
Her legs