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A1 Final Revision Grammar - correction

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many money you spent since December?
How MUCH money HAVE you spent since December?
Sandra bought a new dress. She’s really happy.
Sandra HAS bought a new dress. She’s really happy.
Where did you be two hours ago?
Where WERE you two hours ago?
When have you seen Jake?
When DID you SEE Jake?
A: It’s just started to rain! B: I’m going to take an umbrella then!
A: It’s just started to rain! B: I WILL take an umbrella then!
Last year Frank studyed worse.
Last year Frank STUDIED worse.
How often your brother come to visit?
How often DOES your brother come to visit?
Who does usually help you with the homework?
Who usually HELPS you with the homework?
What you going to do after the class? Have you got any plans?
What ARE you going to do after the class? Have you got any plans?
Jack has decided to take a staycation for his holidays. He won’t leave the city.
Jack has decided to take a staycation for his holidays. He ISN'T GOING TO leave the city.
I think I should to spend more time with my family.
I think I should SPEND more time with my family. (without TO)
Have you to get up early at weekends?
DO you HAVE to get up early at weekends?
Carol hasn’t any free time on Mondays.
Carol DOESN'T HAVE any free time on Mondays.
This week my kids are stay at my parents’ place.
This week my kids ARE STAYING at my parents’ place.
Linda is now happier then before.
Linda is now happier THAN before.
I cut a finger and it hurts!
I HAVE cut MY finger and it hurts!
Sue’s my the oldest friend.
Sue’s my the oldest friend. (without THE)
There’s a dress code in my kids’ school: they can wear a uniform.
There’s a dress code in my kids’ school: they HAVE TO wear a uniform.
Mary should wake up really early, because she lives very far from her school.
Mary HAS TO wake up really early, because she lives very far from her school.
Can you give me an advice, please?
Can you give me SOME advice, please?
Is there any clothes in the wardrobe?
ARE there any clothes in the wardrobe?