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ESA - Review L1 L3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which one do you prefer, spring, summer, fall or winter? Why?
(Do/Are) they feel like playing soccer with us?
Do they feel like playing soccer with us?
What's the difference between the cook and the chef?
The chef is more important than the cook./ The chef is better than the cook
The cook is great. = ?
The cook is doing a good job.
Every _______ tastes delicious. (dessert/desserts)
Every dessert tastes delicious.
Jenny's Kitchen is better than _________ restaurants. (every/other)
Jenny's Kitchen is better than other restaurants.
she/salad/seafood (make a sentence using "prefer")
She prefers salad to seafood.
She doesn't _________ like __________ tonight.
She doesn't feel like cooking tonight.
They feel like ___________ at the ski resort.
They feel like skiing at the ski resort.
I like the dessert. It's really ________.
I like the dessert. It’s really delicious.
basketball/baseball (make a question using "What's the difference ____?")
What's the difference between basketball and baseball?
They feel like ______________________.
They feel like playing the piano.
I need _____________________.
I need a pair of chopsticks.
Make a sentence using "stronger"
My uncle is stronger than my brother.
Make a sentence using "more beautiful"
Jenny is more beautiful than her sister.
Make a sentence using "or"
Wear your jacket, or you may get a cold.
teachers. / should / You / other / polite to / be
You should be polite to other teachers.
What’s the difference between a bus and a car? 
A bus has more seats than a car. / A bus can hold more people than a car.
Roger has twenty candy balls. Roy has thirteen candy balls.
Roger has more candy balls than Roy.