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Friction Year 3

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How to reduce friction?
use lubricants
A friction between a surface of a moving object and the water is called?
water resistance
Friction can be a problem, it can cause......?
wear and tear
What is the unit called that measures force?
How would the absence of friction affect a marble traveling on a long, straight path?
The marble would remain at constant speed.
An example of not useful friction
An example of useful friction
A type of friction that occurs when air pushes against a moving object
air resistance
Which would create more friction? metal of carpet
The amount of friction depends on
Types of surfaces
Rougher surfaces have ...
greater friction
Friction is a force that acts in an ___________ direction of movement.
T or F , The rougher the surface, the faster an object will travel over the surface.
How does friction affect speed?
more friction decreases speed, or slow down and stop a moving object
Which of these materials do you predict would have the MOST amount of friction, Sand paper or Tile?
Sand paper
What does friction produce?
What is Friction?
A force between 2 surfaces that are sliding or trying to slide against each other.