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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The __________ is _________ (amazing/ normal)
the red panda is amazing
The __________ is _________ (thin/fat)
The horse is fast
The __________ is _________ (thin/fat)
The panda is fat
The __________ is _________ (intelligent/bad)
The dolphin is intelligent
The __________ is _________ (clean/dirty)
The pig is dirty
The __________ is _________ (agressive/friendly)
The rhino is agressive
The __________ is _________ (shy/friendly)
The koala is shy
The __________ is _________ (tall/short)
The giraffe is tall
The __________ is _________ (fast/slow)
The zebra is fast
The __________ is _________ (black/colorful)
The toucan is colorful
The __________ is _________ (ugly/beautiful)
The dog is beautiful
The __________ is _________ (quiet/noisy)
The rabbit is quiet
The __________ is _________ (friendly/scary)
The dog is friendly
The __________ is _________ (big/small)
The elephant is big
The __________ is _________ (ugly/cute)
The penguin is cute
The __________ is _________ (slow/fast)
The turtle is slow
The __________ is _________ (big/small)
The frog is smail
The __________ is _________ (scary/funny)
The crocodile is scary
The __________ is _________ (noisy/quiet)
The monkey is noisy
The __________ is _________ (strong/weak)
The tiger is strong