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Flyers Speaking Personal Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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tell me about your english teacher
what time does your first lesson start?
who's your best friend at school?
how many children are there in your class?
What's your favourite lesson at school?
tell me about dinner in your home
what food don't you like?
who usually cooks in your house?
what do you like drinking?
what do you eat for breakfast?
tell me about your best friend
what do you do with your friends in the holidays?
what games do you play with your friends?
where do you go with your friends?
when do you see your friends?
tell me about what you like doing in your bedroom
what time do you get up in the morning?
what's your favourite thing in your bedroom?
how many windows are there?
What colour are the walls in your bedroom?
Tell me about your favourite clothes
My favourite clothes are...
Where do you put your clothes at night?
Before bedtime I put my clothes...
What do you wear at school?
At school I wear...
Where do you buy your clothes?
I buy at the...
Who chooses your clothes?
tell me about a sports person you like
I admire...I'm a fan of...
What sport do you like watching on TV?
I watch...
What clothes do you wear?
At home I wear...
Where do you play?
I usually play..
What sport do you play?
I usually play
favourite food and drink
My favourite food is...
who cooks your dinner in your home?
what time do you have breakfast?
I have breakfast at ... o'clock
What do you eat for dinner?
for dinner I have...
What time do you have lunch
I have lunch at...
Tell me about your morning at school
Out school begins at..
How do you go to school?
I go to school by bus, .on foot
What do you eat for breakfast?
I eat...
Who wakes you up in the morning?
My mum wakes me up..
What time do you get up?
I get up at...
Tell me about your last holiday
It was in...
What do you like doing in the evening?
My favourite activity in the evening is..
What sport do you play?
I play...
Where do you go with your friends?
We often go... to..
What time do you get up on holidays?
I usually get up at...
Tell me about your last birthday
It was.. I invited... We went to .... We ...ed and ..ed..
What present would you like?
I'd like to get...
What do you like eating on your birthday?
I enjoy eating ...
How old will you be on your next birthday?
I'll be .... next...
When is your birthday?
My Birthday is on the __