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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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. The beach is now __________ of the best in the country, which makes it much __________ popular than it once was and it is often very crowded.
one, more
When Tom and Elena were children, they __________ go on holiday with their parents to the seaside every summer.
He stopped teaching in 1990. SINCE He ______________________________________ 1990.
hasn't taught since
She finished the book a moment ago. JUST She ______________________________________ the book.
has just finished
They had to do their homework before dinner. MADE Their parents ______________________________________ before dinner.
made them do their homework
I’m really not sure if I locked the door. REMEMBER I ______________________________________ the door.
can't/don't remember locking
It was ages before I got used to living in a foreign country. ME It ______________________________________ used to living in a foreign country.
took me ages to
. So, if you want to _____ it in this world, you need to work hard and to have some good luck, too.
Everyone should learn to live within their _____.
Living on a _____ budget is good training for the future.
When they are students sometimes they have to do a part-time job in order to make _____ meet.
Most people will come _____ money problems at some time in their lives.
Outline how you think our diets will change in the future. (45 sec)
Say if you prefer to eat home or in a restaurant and why. (45 sec)
Explain why you think fast-food restaurants are popular. (45 sec)
Describe your favourite meal in 45 seconds.
Finally I gave up. I couldn’t _____ watching any more of the play so I walked out.
face, stand
I tried to sit quietly but this turned _____ to be impossible.
I couldn’t keep a _____ face and burst out laughing.
I couldn’t understand the play at all – I just don’t _____ these modern plays.
The audience had all dressed _____ and looked very smart and serious.
A few hours before the play, I got ______ feet and phoned my friend to cancel.
While my friend was on holiday, I kept an _____ on her flat.