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1B celebrations
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"I'm leaving for Scotland next month." In this sentence the speaker...
has made a definite plan to go to Scotland Isn't going to Scotland. Wants to go to Scotland but has not booked tickets yet.
"I'm going to go to the USA one day." In this sentence the speaker...
has made definite plans to go the USA ? Isn't going to the USA. ? Plans to go to the USA but has not yet arranged it
On Halloween you can often see people wearing scary ***
performances costumes invitations dress
At carnival you can see street *** with decorations and puppets.
parades explosions costumes anniversaries
A synonym of shine is...
celebrate sparkle confetti descend
To get closer is to...
descend explode approach perform
Have you ever *** to Mexico?
gone be go been
She *** never been to Vietnam.
have has haven't hasn't
No, I've *** been swimming with sharks!
ever gone no never
Have you *** been swimming with sharks?
never ever gone to
We are *** our favourite band in concert tomorrow night.
going seeing see go
I'm *** to go to the football match tomorrow. Do you want to come?
going go thinking think
At Christmas we always *** our house with tinsel and mistletoe.
celebrate entertain decorate perform
At the final show, some famous ballerinas will *** a dance.
celebrate ballet perform decorate
When you finish university you have a *** ceremony.
graduation employment decorated congratulations