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Memorial day

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True or false : Memorial day and Veterans Day are the same thing.
False. Veterans Day and Memorial day both honor the Armed Forces but Veterans Day honors those that are living and deceased
True or false : Many towns around the country do NOT celebrate Memorial day and do NOT have parades.
FALSE! Many cities and towns around the country celebrate and have Memorial Day parades!
What time of day is the American Flag raised from half-staff to the top on Memorial Day?
Another way to show honor and respect for those who have given their lives is to fly the American flag at what length?
Half-staff (halfway)
What is placed at the grave to show honor and respect?
American Flag
On Memorial Day many Americans visit this place to honor those who have died. what place is it?
The cemetery
What year did "Decoration day" get changed to Memorial Day?
True or false: Memorial Day was previously called Decoration day after the civil war.
True! It was called Decoration Day because the graves of all the deceased were decorated with flowers.
What was Memorial Day originally called ?
Decoration Day
True or False : The Navy, Army, Marines, Coast Guard, and Air Force are apart of the Armed Forces.
why do we celebrate Memorial Day?
To remember all of the people who died while serving in the armed forces
When is Memorial Day celebrated ?
The last Monday in May each year