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1-mrs. Lynde Is suprised
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hafif tempoda koÅŸmak
To jog
On purpose (adv)
Stationmaster (n)
Alarmed (adj)
Ne... ne de...
Neithet... nor (conj.)
Disapprovingly (adv)
To hire (v)
Foolish (adj)
Bile bile, kasıtlı olarak
On purpose (adv)
Stationmaster (n)
Why on earth…? (phr)
To adopt(v)
Ahmak, ÅŸapÅŸal, aptal
Foolish (adj)
Plum blossoms (n)
Deserted (adj)
Passenger (s) (n)
Birini tutmak, iÅŸe almak, kiralamak
To hire (v)
Orphanage (n)
Offended (adj)
Alarmed (adj)
Onaylamayarak, beÄŸenmeyerek
Disapprovingly (adv)
Even though
Sense of humour (n)
Curious (adj)
Evlât edinmek
To adopt(v)
( horse) buggy (n)
To greet (v)
Stern (adj)
Ne demeye, ne akla hizmet...?
Why on earth…? (phr)
Plum blossoms (n)
To adopt(v)
Neithet... nor (conj.)
Ä°stasyon ÅŸefi
Stationmaster (n)
Why on earth…? (phr)
On purpose (adv)
Sense of humour (n)
Passenger (s) (n)
Foolish (adj)
Even though
Alarmed (adj)
Deserted (adj)
Stern (adj)
Offended (adj)
Stationmaster (n)
Erik çiçekleri
Plum blossoms (n)
Orphanage (n)
Passenger (s) (n)
To hire (v)
Alarmed (adj)
Disapprovingly (adv)
To jog
To greet (v)
Offended (adj)
( horse) buggy (n)
Curious (adj)
Deserted (adj)
Orphanage (n)
On purpose (adv)
Neithet... nor (conj.)
To jog
Curious (adj)
Disapprovingly (adv)
Foolish (adj)
To hire (v)
Espiri anlayışı
Sense of humour (n)
Stationmaster (n)
Why on earth…? (phr)
To adopt(v)
...’ya rağmen, -sa bile
Even though
Plum blossoms (n)
Deserted (adj)
Passenger (s) (n)
Stern (adj)
Orphanage (n)
Offended (adj)
Alarmed (adj)
To greet (v)
Sense of humour (n)
Curious (adj)
Orphanage (n)
At arabası
( horse) buggy (n)
To greet (v)
Stern (adj)
Even though