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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is considered the main father of the Constitution?
James Madison.
What is the Constitution?
The document that organizes the government.
Where was the Constitution signed?
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
What is the name of the list of the rights?
Bill of Rights
Why was the Bill of Rights included in Constitution?
To get all the states to ratify and to mostly to get all of them to sign.
True or False:all of the leaders when writing the Constitution became President?
What did the New Jersey Plan create?
What did the Virginia plan create?
The House of Representatives
Was there a president while the colonies were writing the Constitution?
What was the name of the first branch of government?
The Legislative branch.
Why was the Constitution made?
To make order in the Government.
Why is the Constitution important to know about?
It is our governments base/rules.
What are the names of the leaders of the constitution?
James Madison,Ben Franklin,George washington
What was the purpose of the preamble?
To tell the purpose of the constitution and defines powers of government.
What are the five freedoms guaranteed by the first amendment?
Freedom of speech,press,petition,assembly,religion.
What are the most important words of the preamble?
We the people