Edit Game
GE A2+ Units 1-9

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My parents won’t allow me (invite) friends round during the week.
to invite
I practise (do) card tricks every day.
I can’t imagine (live) in a small village where there’s nothing to do!
I’m happy (help) with the party if you want me to.
to help
My sister is really good at (paint).
I’ve decided (learn) how to play chess.
to learn
If you’re travelling by plane, allow plenty of time to get through (visa security reception) at the airport. You don’t want to miss your flight!
When you get to the station, check which (booking return platform) your train leaves from.
If you need to ( go travel catch) a train, get your ticket in advance, then you won’t have to pay the full ( fare ticket trip).
catch, fare
Think about where you are going to stay. It’s a good idea to book your (security accommodation journey) before you leave. Remember, you can often make (customs reservations tickets) online.
accommodation, reservations
Think about the countries you are going to visit. You may need to apply for a (visa, reservation, fare) to go to some countries.
Present Perfect - you / finish / eating (yet)?
Have you finished eating yet ?
we / spend / a lot of money / on this holiday (already)
We've already spent a lot of money on this holiday
Present Perfect - it / start / raining (just)
It's just started raining
Present Perfect - you / try / water skiing (ever) ?
Have you ever tried water skiing ?
Present Perfect - I / not / travel / by plane / before
I haven't travelled by plane before
Present perfect - my uncle / do / lots of amazing things
My uncle's done lots of amazing things
I made a pizza once and thought it would be good to add some chilli. It was so ........... that none of my friends wanted to eat it!
spicy (hot)
I tried cooking some fish last week. I put it in the oven, but didn’t turn the oven on. When I took it out half an hour later, it was still ..... !
I had a go at making a lemon drink last summer, to keep me cool. I forgot to add any sugar, so it was too ...... to drink!
I made some biscuits once, but I added the sugar twice by mistake. They were much too ....... and no one could eat them!
I once tried making a chocolate cake. The oven was too hot, so it was all black and ...... on the outside but not properly .......... in the middle!
burned, cooked
You can read reviews online. They are all very good. The reviews .......... all very good.
which you can read online are
The customers seem happy. They eat there. The customers .......... happy.
who eat there seem
The chef is excellent. He works there. The chef ........... excellent.
who works there is
There were lots of vegetable dishes. They were suitable for vegetarians. There were lots of vegetable dishes ............. for vegetarians.
which were suitable
She showed us the menu. It was really interesting. The menu ........... really interesting.
which she showed us was
A waiter served us. She was very friendly. The waiter ............. very friendly.
who served us was