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Empower B1 Plus Unit 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While you (work) your dad phoned.
were working
Philippe (paraglide) when he had his accident.
was paragliding
Somebody stole my bike while I (not / look).
wasn't looking
(why / they / have) dinner before they came to the party?
Why had they had
He (ask) me which animals I (see) in Africa.
asked / had seen
I went to the library, then I (buy) some milk and went home.
When I (get) to the airport I discovered I had forgotten my passport.
Before they (start) the party, they (invite) some friends.
started / had invited
The thief could walk right into the house because you (lock / not) the door.
hadn't locked
(they / book) a room before they went to Dublin?
Had they booked
At school, Jim quickly copied the homework that he (do / not).
hadn't done
She (open) the box after she (find) the key.
opened / had found
Tom used to play football when he was young but he doesn't play football any ________
more / longer
Can we use "used to" to talk about situations that were true in the past but aren't true now?
I used to go for a run every day last week. Is this sentence right or wrong? Why?
Wrong. We use used to for situations that were true for a long period of time. For shorter periods of time we use the past simple.
I _____________ (not / used to listen) to my mum when I was a child.
didn't use to listen
A synonym of "bring up" is...
A. Alex has cut off his hair. B. Alex has cut off it. C. Alex has cut his hair off. D. Alex has cut it off. Which option is wrong?
A: How often do you _____________ with your family? B: We usually see each other once a month.
get together
Max is 30 years old, he still lives with his parents, he doesn't have a job and he spends all day playing video games. He needs to _ _ _ _ _ _
grow up
I love hanging ____ with my friends. We're always together.
My mum and my dad are quite similar. Does my mum take after my dad?
No, because you can only take after an older relative. e.g. My son can take after me, or I can take after my grandfather.
Pronounce this word: nephew
If you don't have any siblings, you are an...
only child
An adjective meaning full of energy.
A synonym of rich: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
My friends and I have many things in common. We have many s _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
shared interests
I usually get on ______ everyone I meet.
Someone you've never met is a...
I don't need emotional friendship / support / relationship from my friends.
What is another way to say "a relative"?
A family member