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Decimal Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mrs. H needs to make a fabric highchair banner. The highchair banner needs to be 12 inches long. She accidentally cute the string into three pieces. One is 2 7/10 inches long. Another is 6 4/100 long. The 3rd one is 1 36/100. Is it enough?
No, it is only 10.1 inches long, so she needs 1.9 inches more.
Little Thomas walked 4/10 of a mile on Monday. He walked 56/100 on Tuesday and then only 3/100 on Wednesday. Did he make a mile in the three days? Explain.
No-He only walked 99/100 of a mile, so he is 0.01 short.
To the nearest tenth, where is h on the number line?
Complete the problems: 4/? + 5/? = 45/100
4/10 + 5/100 = ?
8/100 + 4/10 + 23/100 = ?
2/10 + ____ = 46/100
3/10 + 4/100 =
Compare 0.2 ___ 0.20
Compare 0.5 ___ 0.05
Compare 3/10 ____ 0.67
What is 42 5/10 written as a decimal
What is 4/100 written as a decimal?
What is 56 8/100 as a decimal?
What is 76/100 as a decimal? You must tell me and then read it correctly for points.
0.76 (seventy-six hundredths)
What fraction does the picture show?
2 30/100 or 2 3/10
What decimal does the picture show?
Create a comparison statement for the picture.
What is shown by the grid?
17/100 or 0.17
What does the grid show as a fraction?
What does the grid show as a decimal (and read correctly)?
0.28 (twenty-eight hundredths)