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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you do exercise ..... (have) more energy.
you will have
Your muscles won't hurt ....
if you stretch them after exercise.
Your throat won't hurt...
if you take some medicine.
Your stomach will ache ....
if you eat too much chocolate.
You won't become an Olympic athlete....
if you don't like sports.
You'll have a healthy heart....
if you do exercise every week / if you eat healthy food.
You'll become more intelligent...
if you do lots of puzzles / of you study lots.
You'll fail your exams....
if you don't study / if you don't pay attention in class.
You'll have to go to hospital....
if you break your leg / if you get very sick.
If you go to the gym every day....
you'll be very tired/ you'll get very strong.
If you eat a balanced diet, ...
you will be more healthy / won't get fat.
If you don't go to school, .... (learn) new things.
you won't learn
If you don't do lots of puzzles .... (become) more intelligent.
you won't become
If you sleep for 8 hours ..... (feel) relaxed the next day.
you will feel
If you look up ..... (see) the floor.
you won't see
You will see the floor if you .......
look down.
If you touch your toes ...... (stretch) your leg muscles.
you will stretch
If you don't wash your hands, .... (get) sick.
you will get
If you do lots of exercise ...... (get) fit.
you will get
You'll get fat ..... (do) exercise.
if you don't do
You'll be cold ....... (wear) your coat.
if you don't wear
You won't go on holiday to Mexico .... (have) a passport.
if you don't have
Your parents will be angry .... (break) the window.
if you break
If you run a marathon ...... (feel) very tired afterwards.
you will feel
If you don't study, .....(pass) the exam.
you won't pass