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at the zoo

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what did you have in your class last year?
there were students and teachers
what did you have in your class last year?
there were shelves
what did you have in your class last year?
there was a board
what did you have in your class last year?
there was a clock in my class
were there any dogs?
no, there weren't
were there some tools?
yes, there were tools\ no , there weren't tools
was there a knife?
yes, there was a knife
was there a bowl?
yes, there was a bowl
was there some musical instruments?
yes, there were some musical instruments
what did you see ?
I saw a sculpture
what did you see in the cave?
I say a necklace
what is this?
it's a fireplace
which animal did you see?
i saw a meerkat
what animal is this
it's a gorilla
what is this?
it's a zoo