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Night- Part 2 Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Elie is sarcastic when he says that the SS gave them a fine New Year's gift. What was the "gift"?
How many miles did Elie and his dad march to Gleiwitz?
Elie's dad is mistreated in the hospital. What happens to him? Name 1 thing.
He is beaten / denied food
What is the name of the last camp Elie stays at?
Elie uses a metaphor for Juliek's violin. What does he compare it to?
a corpse
What was the first thing Elie wanted to do when he was freed?
Eat / look for food
What was the "inheritance" that Elie received from his father?
knife and spoon
What was the prayer for the dead called?
Akiba Drumer died because he lost this...
his faith
What does Elie say looked back at him when he saw himself in the mirror?
a corpse
What happened on January 29th?
Elie's father died
100 men boarded the train after the death march. How many got off the train?
Name one thing they did to prepare for the death march?
extra food / extra clothing
What was NOT in Elie's dream of a perfect world?
What happened to the prisoners that were left behind when Elie left on the death march?
They were liberated (freed)
Why did Elie's dad forbid him to do for the New Year?