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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Ryan's favorite side dish? A. Fried Okra, B. Mashed Potatoes, C. Macaroni and Cheese, D. Corn on the Cob
What is Mrs. H's Harry Potter House?
Which animals "sang" the Happy Birthday song to some of our classmates?
What is Mrs. H's favorite type of earrings to wear?
BIG ones!
Who made guest appearances from Adriani's house a lot this year?
Baby Yoda
What show did Mrs. H play songs from that her son loved? (Like the Steady and Slow one)
What song did Mrs. H play (that you all loved) that had you stick your thumbs up?
Tooty Ta!
Who visited our meets quite often and would try to scare Mrs. H?
Mrs. Matthews
During Glow Day, what did you do when you got a SS question correct?
Bottle flip!
How did Mrs. H greet you for Morning Coffee on Jurassic Park Day?
She was a dinosaur!
During Harry Potter Day, what did you make owls out of?
During Diner Day, what did Mrs. H and Mrs. B eat on their videos?
What was the first chapter book we read together this year?
How did Mrs. H greet you every morning?
Morning Coffee
What shape glasses did Mrs. H wear on the first day of school?
There was a book in your Halloween goodie bag- true or false?
What was the second book that we read together (and our first novel study)?
How many students are in our class NOW?
Which was the class favorite mode in Gimkit?
Which 3 classmates were ALWAYS at open time almost every day?
Nithil, Monica, Gaurav
Who got the biggest haircut this year?
Which game had you opening chests to find gold?
What hat did Mrs. H wear when teaching comparing numbers?
shark hat