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The Night Before Summer Camp

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an antonym for nervous?
calm, content
What is a synonym for giant?
huge, large, gigantic
I don't know anyone there.
I don't want to go.
Put these in order from largest to smallest- counselor Kim, butterfly, otter
counselor Kim, otter, butterfly
Put these in order from smallest to largest- snail, deer, bird
snail, bird, deer
How many weeks does Rick want to go to summer camp for next summer?
2 weeks
What was one thing he made at the arts and crafts table?
scrapbook, drum
What race did counselor Kim and Rick win?
Three-legged race
Why was counselor Kim nervous too?
This was her very first job and she was away from home too.
Why wasn't Rick hungry at lunch time?
He missed his mom.
Why do you think Rick's legs were itchy?
Mosquito bites
What did the kids see at the edge of the lake?
one doe and 2 baby deer
What did the kids make the boats out of?
What were 2 things the kids saw on the nature trails?
butterflies, birds, crawly bugs, snakes, snails
What animal did counselor Kim say that Rick swam like?
An otter
What was the first thing Kim taught the kids how to do?
How to swim
What was Rick's counselor's name?
Did Rick know any kids at the camp?
How did the kids get to camp?
Was it a day camp or overnight camp?
Day camp
Why didn't Rick want to go to camp?
He said, "I don't know anyone there. I'll be gone all day."
Who was not happy about going to camp?
Visions of what danced in the children's heads as they slept?
What kind of boats were near the dock?
What do we call the people who work at the camp?