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Library Time

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is your favorite author?
Absolutely right!
What is your favorite genre?
Please put these in the correct shelving order. 796.8 796.72 796.81 796.715
796.715 796.72 796.8 796.81
When you see a call number like this - 541.7 Bur, what does the Bur part stand for?
the author's last name
Which of these 3 books would be first in order? 940.531 Ver, 940.54 Pr, 940.54 Bur
940.531 Ver
Which of the following would NOT be reference materials? novel, encyclopoedia, world atlas, Ripley's Believe it OR Not
Which of the following are available for checkout? books, Playaways, magazines, reference material
All except reference materials
What is the librarian's name in our district?
Mrs. Rauls
How long can books be checked out in the Markesan District Libraries?
2 weeks. Then they can be renewed
If I'm looking for book with a call number 541.7 Bur, would I look before or after 541.7 Ast?
Which of these authors would be first on the shelf? Appelt, Anderson, Anstey
Which two should be switched to put these in alphabetical order? Godwin, Goldblatt, Goelman
Goldblatt and Goelman
What is the alphabetic order of these authors? Crossley, Crowe, Creech
Creech, Crossley, Crowe
What is the alphabetic order of these authors? Shahan, Shang, Shan
Shahan, Shan, Shang
How is non-fiction shelved in the library? By author or by call number?
By call number, but then secondarily by author
How is fiction shelved in the library? By author or by call number?
Alphabetical by author
Who is the library aid in the MS/HS library?
Mrs. Strahota
What genre often has mythical creatures and imaginary realms?
Why is a mystery often called a "Who dunit"?
The plot involves finding out who committed a crime
Can you describe science fiction?
Imagined stories based in scientific or social changes
What's an autobiography?
A book a person has written about himself or herself.
Describe a biography.
A book written by one person about another person
How would you describe historical fiction?
A story based in the past, involving real characters or real events
How would you describe realistic fiction?
a story that could occur to someone you know