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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did you remember_____________(buy) that magazine?
Did you remember to buy that magazine?
I must remember ______________(phone) Anabel today.
I must remember to phone Anabel today.
My mother remembers ____________(come) to this beach when she was a child.
My mother remembers coming to this beach when she was a child.
I tried ___________(talk) to Ben, but he didn't listen.
I tried to talk to Ben, but he didn't listen.
Please try_______________(finish) all your homework by Friday.
Please try to finish all your homework by Friday.
We haven't got any butter, so I'm going to try_________(use) oil instead.
We haven't got any butter, so I'm going to try using oil instead.
If the car won't start, try__________(push) it down the hill.
If the car won't start, try pushing it down the hill.
When I'm at work, I usually stop___________(have) a coffee at about 11 a.m
When I'm at work, I usually stop to have a coffee at about 11 a.m
I stopped_____________(talk) to Carole on the way to the meeting.
I stopped to talk to Carole on the way to the meeting.
He didn't stop__________(play) computer games until 3 a.m
He didn't stop playing computer games until 3 a.m
Please stop_____________(shout) at me!
Please stop shouting at me!