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Past Simple / Past Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While I _______(walk) to school, I _____(see) an accident.
was walking / saw
I _____ (call) my mom, while she _____ (do) dinner.
called / was doing
Tom and Anne _______ (get) married, when we ______ (spend) our holidays in Greece.
got / were spending
Katie _____ (meet) her boyfriend, while she _____ (work) in Spain.
met / was working
I _______ (swim) in the lake, when it _______ (start) to rain.
was swimming / started
When she ______ (see) me, I _______ (run) in the park
saw / was running
While you _______ (look for) a new pair of jeans, I ______( find ) nice shoes.
were looking for / found
While I __________ (do ) my homework, I ______ (see) a big spider next to my desk.
was doing / saw
I __________ (study) for the test when she ______ (come)
was studying /came
Rob ______ (have) an accident yesterday
Sara ________ (dance) when she ______ (break) her leg.
was dancing / broke
What ______ you ______ (do) yesterday?
did / do
They ________ (walk) to the school when he _______ (stop) them.
were walking / stopped
I ________ ( walk) through the park when I _______(see) her.
was walking / saw
While I _______ (read) a book, the phone ______ (ring).
was reading / rang
What ____ you _____ (cook) for dinner?
did /cook
I _____ (cut) my finger when I _________ (cook) dinner.
cut / was cooking
The children __________ (not/sleep) when I entered the room.
weren't sleeping
While I _________ (clean) the bathroom, he __________ (watch) TV.
was cleaning/was watching
Where ____ you ____ (buy) these shoes?
He ________ (drop) the glass while he __________ (do) the washing up.
dropped / was doing
They ___________ (drive) very fast when they hit the tree.
were driving
What .............. you ................... (do) yesterday at 2 p.m.?
were / doing
I .............................(walk) home when I met my old friend from primary school.
was walking