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Shakespeare Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who survives to tell the story of Hamlet?
How does the king die?
Hamlet stabs him with the poisoned sword
How does the queen die?
drinks poison from a glass
Hamlet then stabs ______.
Laertes stabs Hamlet with a ______ weapon.
Laertes challenges Hamlet to a _____ competition.
When Hamlet returns, he arrives in time for....?
Ophelia's funeral
Hamlet kills _____ in his mother's room.
Hamlet has the actor perform a play about?
a brother killing a king
What does the ghost tell Hamlet to do?
get revenge
Hamlet hears something has been seen at night. What is it?
a ghost, the king's ghost
Who does Hamlet's mother marry after the king dies?
Claudius the king's brother
When the play begins, who has died?
the King
Who wrote the Twelfth Night?
Who does Viola work for during the play?
Duke Orsino
Where does the Twelfth Night take place?
Sebastian and Viola are ____?
identical twins
Who does Viola marry?
Duke Orsino
Who does Olivia marry?
Who does Duke Orsino love?
What is Viola's new name?
Why has Olivia shut herself away?
her brother died
What happens to Viola and Sebastian?