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Living or nonliving things?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one thing a non-living thing can´t do.
Name one thing all living things do.
Eat, drink water and breathe.
Name two things all living things do.
Eat, drink water, breathe, grow.
Name one thing all living things need to stay alive.
A baby is a...
Living thing.
A cell phone is a...
Non-living thing.
A rabbit is a...
Living thing.
A teacher is a...
Living thing.
A worm is a...
Living thing.
A rock is a...
Non-living thing.
A plant is a...
Living thing.
The moon is a...
Non-living thing,
A tree is a...
Living thing.
This insects are...
Non-living things.
A ladybug is a...
Living thing.
A grasshopper is a...
Living thing.
Elsa is a...
Non-living thing.
A dog is a...
Living thing.
A Casimerito is a...
Non-living thing
Colors are...
Non-living things
Buzz Lightyear is a...
Non-Living thing
An astronaut is a...
Living being.
A doll is a...
Non-living thing.
A boy is a...
Living being.