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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Riff-.............. // Common people (pejorative) - Chusma
........up // A warning
a pain ....// someone who is irritating
in the neck
to be wet ............// to be very inexperienced
behind the ears
to be a .......// to overreact
drama queen
....... your belt. // you must spend less money or be careful how you spend it because there is less available.
to be in the …………………… // someone has made a mistake or done something that is bad or illegal
stick ……………….// continue with a subject, activity, or plan without changing
to the point
Take a ……………. // pause to think
deep breath
easier said ………...// something seems like a good idea but would be difficult to do
than done
Barking up .....................// Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person
the wrong tree
It takes two to .....................// A situation or argument involves two people and they are both therefore responsible for it.
Hear it .............// Hear rumours about sth or sb
on the grapevine
See ..................... // Agree on something
eye to eye
Hit the ......... // Go to bed
Speak of the .....................! // Said when a person appears just after being mentioned.
Beat ..................... // Avoid the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.
around the bush
Cry ..................// To express regret about something that has already happened or cannot be changed
over spilt milk
Caught ...............// When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives.
between two stools
once in a ..................// It happens very rarely
blue moon
Take the words ....................// Say what someone else is thinking before he can say it himself
out of my mouth
Call it a ............. // To stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more or think you have done enough
Be green .........................// Jealous of what other people have.
with envy
Talk .............// Talking about someone when he/she does not know about it
behind your back
Actions speak .............. //People's actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say
louder than words
Every cloud has a ................... // Every difficult or unpleasant situation has some advantage
silver lining
Cross the bridge...... // Do not worry about a possible future problem but deal with it if it happens
when you come to it
Feeling ......................// To feel a little sick
under the weather
Let's ......... // Get married
tie the knot
Bite off more than ........// To try to do something that is too difficult for you
you can chew
Let you off the .................. // To allow (someone who has been caught doing something wrong or illegal) to go without being punished
To be a ......................// A person who is not expected to succeed in and/or unexpectedly wins an election, race, or other competition
dark horse
Don't put all ...........// Do not depend for your success on a single person or plan of action
the eggs in one basket
a leopard can't ......... // It's impossible for one to change their character, even if they will try very hard
change its spots
Sit on the ...................... // Delay or avoid making a decision or choice; not take sides in a dispute; not to commit oneself
Curiosity ...... // Said to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something
killed the cat
Kill two birds................ // Solve two problems with one single action
with one stone
...... your tongue. // Stop yourself from saying something you would really like to say
At the ....... of a hat // You do something immediately without thinking about it
The ball is ..............// It is up to you to make the next move
in your court
I ...... a rat. // Something dishonest/suspicious is happening.
........ the hatchet! // Stop an argument and become friends again
It is a ...... of cake. // Something which is very easy.