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Comparing Decimals to Hundredths

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Mrs. Holmes went to bed at 11:13 last night. Her alarm goes off at 4:45. How much time does she get to sleep, if the baby does not wake up?
5 hours 32 minutes
Review: Mrs. Holmes started watching TV at 8:28 last night while making this quiz. She went to bed at 11:07. How much time passed?
2 hours 39 minutes
Kesia is writing a report about two fish. She wants to put the faster fish on the cover of her report. The fastest speed for a sailfish is 67.87 mph. The fastest speed for a swordfish is 60 mph. Which fish is on the cover?
Mrs. Sanders bought 3 pumpkins. The first one weighed 4.8 kilograms, the second one weighed 4.09 kilograms, and the third one weighed 4.69 kilograms. Which pumpkin weighed the least?
the second one
Tom, Sally, Bob, and Jill ran a race. Tom’s time was 12.03 seconds, Bob’s was 12.62 seconds, Jill’s was 12.9 seconds, and Sally’s was 12.28 seconds. In what order did they finish? Who won?
1st- Tom, 2nd- Sally, 3rd- Bob, 4th- Jill Tom won
Darian and Molly competed in Smithville Elementary School’s long jump competition. Darian’s jump was measured at 6.5 feet and Molly’s jump measured 6.47 feet. Use the <, =, or > symbol to compare the long jump distances.
Darian > Molly
Challenge: What is 34.92 in expanded form?
30 + 4 + 0.9 + 0.02
Challenge: 7/10 + 9/100
Order from greatest to least. 0.7, 0,56, 0.3, 0.29, 0.5, 0.1, 1.0
1.0, 0.7, 0.56, 0.5, 0.3, 0.29, 0.1
Order from least to greatest 9.09, 99.09, 9.9, 0.9, 0.99
0.9, 0.99, 9.09, 9.9, 99.09
34/100 ___ 0.2
0.30 ___ 0.03
2/10 ___ 0.34
456.7 ___ 457.6
3.45 ___ 3.6
0.60 ___ 0.6
0.4 ___ 0.6