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Complete First Unit 3 and 4 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did your parents force you to eat anything when you were younger? How do you feel about that food now?
Are there any foods you can’t eat? Why not? Is it difficult to avoid them?
How often do you eat fast food? Do you think that is okay?
How could you describe the SERVICE in a restaurant?
What adjectives could you use to describe the INTERIOR of a restaurant?
To stay healthy, it's important to eat food with a high URTINALTINO value.
Beans, nuts, lean meat and fish are all good _____ of protein.
What's the difference between vegetarians and vegans?
Vegetarians - no meat by dairy ok. Vegans - no meat or dairy products at all.
To eat a lot of food in a short period of time is to ____ ____.
pig out
If you like eating desserts and other sweet things, you have a ____ ____.
sweet tooth
What are your favourite fruits/vegetables? How often do you eat them? How do you like them cooked?
Name 5 flavours/tastes.
Name 5 kitchen utensils.
Name 5 types of food container.
box, bag, packet, wrapper, foil, bottle, carton, etc.
The dish was so spicy that we didn't enjoy it. / TOO / The dish was _________ really enjoy.
The dish was TOO SPICY TO really enjoy.
We didn't get a table at the restaurant because it was too full. / SO / The restaurant ________ we couldn't get a table.
The restaurant WAS SO FULL THAT we couldn't get a table.
There isn't much ____ in the fridge, shall we order a _____?
food / takeaway
You must try some of this meal/dish, it's absolutely delicious.
The food/meal/dish in that restaurant is not very good.
A ___________ meal contains a healthy mixture of different types of food.
balanced / well-balanced
food that can be prepared quickly and easily and is often already cooked
convenience food
when there is not enough of something
a small meal that does not make you feel very full (and the opposite?)
a light meal / a heavy meal
Food that is ________makes you feel that you have had a lot to eat.
Paola and Antonio met for the first time at yesterday’s party. / NEVER / Paola and Antonio _________ before yesterday’s party.
Paola and Antonio HAD NEVER MET before yesterday’s party.
I’ve given up using the bus to go to school because it was always late. / USED / I _____________ by bus, but I’ve given it up because it was always late.
I USED TO GO TO SCHOOL by bus, but I’ve given it up because it was always late.
During my visit to London, I took hundreds of photos. / WHILE / I took hundreds of photos ___________ London.
I took hundreds of photos WHILE I WAS VISITING London.
Are you all prepared for next week’s trip / travel to Egypt?
Sarah came back from her shopping trip / journey with lots of new clothes.
Do you know the way / journey to the town centre?
Do you know the way to the town centre? 'Way' refers only to the route that you take to get from one place to another.