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Nie zapomnij wzi膮膰 kremu do opalania!
Don't forget to take suncream!
Moim zdaniem lato jest najlepsze.
In my opinion/I think/ I believe /The way I see it/ Personally speaking / For me/ the summer is the best.
Czy chcia艂by艣 is膰 do kina?
Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
Na koniec poszli艣my do McDonalda.
At the end we went to McDonalds.
By艂o super!
It was amazing/awesome/great fun...
Nie jad艂em dzisiaj jeszcze 艣niadania.
I haven't eaten breakfast today/yet.
W zesz艂ym roku by艂em w kinie.
I was in the cinema last year.
Nie mog臋 si臋 doczeka膰 wakacji!
I'm looking forward to the holidays! // I can't wait to go on holiday!
Zamierzam p贸j艣膰 na uniwesytet.
I'm going to go/planning to go to the university.
Marz臋 o byciu bogatym.
I dream of/about being rich.
Czu艂em si臋 zrelaksowany.
I felt relaxed.
Bardzo podoba艂o mi si臋 zwiedzanie muzeum.
I really enjoyed/liked visiting the museum.
Wycieczka szkolna by艂a bardzo ekscytuj膮ca.
The school trip was very exciting.
Salon jest po prawej.
The living room is on the right.
Jest nowoczesna 艂azienka.
THERE IS a modern bathroom.
S膮 trzy sypialnie.
THERE ARE three bedroomS.
Ich mieszkanie jest ma艂e, ale przytulne.
Their flat is small/tiny, but cosy.
Ich dom jest bardzo blisko centrum miasta.
Their house is very close to the city centre.
Obydwoje interesujemy si臋 filmami.
We are both interested in/keen on films/movies.
Poznali艣my si臋 na obozie sportowym.
We (first) met on a sports camp.
On wygl膮da jak Harry Potter!
He looks like Harry Potter!
My艣l臋, 偶e ona jest uczciwa i uprzejma.
I think, (that) she is honest and kind.
M贸j brat jest wysoki i szczuply.
My brother is tall and slim/skinny.