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What did the sun do to the man?
It shone brightly on him
What made the man to take off his coat?
the sun made him to take off his coat
i am stronger, who said that?
The wind said to the sun
Who are the characters in the other story?
man, wind and sun
How was the weather?
It was a cold day
Who won the race?
The tortoise won the race.
What happened when the rabbit fell asleep?
the tortoise walked slowly and passed the rabbit without getting tired.
what happened after the rabbit ate aand drank?
he fell asleep
What did the tortoise drink?
he drank a cup of tea
what did the rabbit eat ?
it ate sandwich and carrots
How did the rabbit describe the tortoise?
old and slow
How did the tortoise walk?
It walked slowly
How did the rabbit hop?
it hopped quickly
What was the tortoise suggestion?
He said that ,they should have a race
which animal was the slowest?
the tortoise
How many characters are in the story?
The are 2 main characters in the story