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Night- Part 1 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did all Jews have to wear in the ghetto?
yellow star
How did Elie say the soup tasted after the prisoner is hanged for stealing during the air raid?
How old does Elie tell the SS he is when he arrives at Birkenau?
What profession does Elie give the SS when he is interviewed upon his arrival at Birkenau?
What was the "most dangerous" thing at camp? *According to the prisoners.
What was the name of Elie's mentor that was expelled first from Sighet?
Moishe the Beadle
What were Jewish musicians forbidden to play?
German music
Where did Elie and his father go after arriving at Birkenau?
Elie is from the town of Sighet. In what country?
What is Elie's new "name" that is tattooed on his arm at the camp?
What does Elie claim consumes his faith forever as he is marched past the pits?
What are the "ironic" words inscribed over the gate at Auschwitz?
Work is liberty
What was the name of the woman that foreshadowed the "flames" of Auschwitz on the train?
Madame Schachter
What was the reception center for Auschwitz?
When the pipel was hanged at the end of chapter 4, Elie claims the soup tasted like this that night...
Elie says he dreams of a world without this...