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A2 (Revision of units 7A - 9D)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct this question: What your friends are doing now?
What are your friends doing now?
In an office, say one thing you can: sign, answer, take
sign a contract/letter; answer an email/a letter/a phone; take notes/a message
Fill in the gaps with much or many: a) How ___ people are there in your family? b) How ___ furniture have you got?
a) many b) much
Say eight places in a town in 20 seconds.
square, market, station, park, museum, theatre, cinema, hotel, café, shop, bar, pub, etc.
Correct this sentence: I went to London for to study English.
I went to London to study English
Do we use to do or doing after these verbs: would like, need, stop?
would like to do, need to do, stop doing
Say the positive and negative short answers: a) Is your sister working now? b) Are there any hotels?
a) Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. b) Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
Say eight natural places in 20 seconds.
mountain, hill, forest, wood, island, lake, river, sea, desert, countryside, etc
Fill in the gaps with some or any: a) Are there __ hotels? b) I’ve got __ oranges.
a) any b) some
Say five things you often have in a kitchen.
cooker, sink, fridge, washing machine, cupboards, table, chairs, etc
Make the comparatives of these adjectives: happy, small, interesting, good
happier, smaller, more interesting, better
Say ten things that men and women wear in 20 seconds.
trousers, shorts, jeans, shoes, jumper, trainers, jacket, hat, boots, shirt, socks, cap, T-shirt, etc
Which of these words/phrases do we use with the Present Continuous: at the moment, usually, every week, today?
at the moment, today
Which preposition: to, on or none ( – ): a) go __ museums b) go __ diving c) go __ a boat trip
a) to b) – c) on
Spell the verb+ing forms of these verbs: write, study, stop
writing, studying, stopping
Say the adverbs for these adjectives: easy, bad, fast
easily, badly, fast
What are the questions with do for these answers? a) She’s a doctor. b) She’s talking on the phone.
a) What does she do? b) What’s she doing (now/at the moment)?
Correct this sentence: The UK is more expensive Russia.
The UK is more expensive than Russia
Which of these nouns are always plural? jeans, shoes, socks, shorts, trousers
jeans, shorts, trousers
Fill in the gaps with much or many: a How __ cats have you got? b How ___ food is there?
a) many b) much
Say eight animals in 20 seconds
lion, chicken, tiger, cow, monkey, sheep, wolf, rabbit, mouse, bird, etc.
Correct this question: What do your parents doing at the moment?
What are your parents doing at the moment?
Which preposition: to, on or none ( – ): a) go __ holiday b) go __ the beach c) go __ camping
a) on b) to c) –
Say the positive and negative short answers: a) Is there a café? b) Are the children sleeping?
a) Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. b) Yes, they are./No, they aren’t
Say the adverbs for these adjectives: beautiful, hard, fluent
beautifully, hard, fluently
Correct this sentence: They don’t watch TV now.
They aren’t watching TV now
Say eight types of transport in 20 seconds.
car, plane, train, taxi, bus, tram, bike, scooter, boat, motorbike, coach, ferry, etc
Fill in the gaps with some or any: a) There’s ___ milk. b) I haven’t got ____ coffee.
a) some, b) any
Say the verbs that mean the same as these phrases: go by plane, go by car, go by bike
fly, drive, cycle
Spell the verb+ing form of these verbs: play, sit, make
playing, sitting, making
Say eight shops in 20 seconds.
chemist’s, butcher’s, bakers, post office, newsagent’s, bookshop, department store, bank, kiosk, clothes shop, shoe shop, etc.
Correct this sentence: John’s going to the shops for buying some bread.
John’s going to the shops to buy some bread.
Do we use to do or doing after these verbs: enjoy, want, decide?
enjoy doing, want to do, decide to do
Make comparatives of these adjectives: crowded, noisy, expensive, bad
more crowded, noisier, more expensive, worse