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The Little Prince

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the first creature TLP meets on planet earth?
The snake
What planet does the geographer advise TLP to visit next?
Planet earth
How many planets did TLP visit?
He visited 7 planets
What dangerous plant can destroy TLP's planet?
What did TLP do in his planet when he was sad?
He watched a sunset
Who did TLP love?
The flower
What do grown-ups see in this picture? What does TLP see in this picture?
Grown-ups see a hat. TLP sees a boa constrictor digesting an elephant
What does TLP ask the narrator to draw for him?
A sheep
Why does TLP want a sheep?
To eat baobabs in his planet
TLP tames the fox. True or False?
"What's essential is invisible to the _______", said ________
"What's essential is invisible to the eye", said fox
When TLP meets the fox, how is he feeling? Why?
He's unhappy because he realized his flower was not the only one of its kind
Money isn't imprtant for the businessman. True or False?
Describe TLP's planet
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