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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it?
a crew
What is it?
response boat
What verb is it?
to chase
What verb is it?
What is a fine?
money that has to be paid as a punishment
Can you find male sharks close to shore?
What is a nursery?
a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work
What do we call a baby shark?
a pup
What is the name of the city where a shark was spotted?
What Did the fishermen receive from coast guard officers?
they received a fine
What is the name of the sea?
Mediterranean sea
Who works for the coast guard?
Who were the fishermen trying to do?
the were trying to catch a shark?
Why Do sharks come closer to the shore in winter?
because the temperature of the water is higher
Where is the first response boat waiting for Luca And Mr Ward?
in the harbour
Why Do mummy sharks hide their babies from male sharks?
because the male sharks may eat their babies
What Do they have to put on before they go on the boat?
a life jacket