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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Before I want to travel to another country, I must have a ------------- for my plane
Before i travel to another city for holidays, I need to -----------a room
reserve or book
i am from England, I am an-----------
they -----------------math with her last year.
she ------------a letter to her brother last week
what is the past tense of ring?
it's rang
what is the past tense of write?
it's wrote
what is the past tense of do?
It's did
how do we call this and where is it found?
it's the Eiffel- tower in France
how do we call someone from spain?
He is spanish
sow do we call someone from France?
He is a French
what is the capital of Scotland?
It's Edinburgh
what is the past tense of speak?
It's spoke
what is the past tense of understand?
It's understood
what is the past tense of dance?
it's danced
what is the past tense of sing?
it's sang
what is the past tense of teach?
it's taught
how do we callan item of essential value , to remember a place or an event?
it's a souvenir
how do we call a person who travels to other countries or place for just to see things orpleasure?
He is called a tourist
how do we call a short journey?
it's a trip or an excursion
how do we call an official document normally used for international journeys , which proves identity and nationality and has a person's picture?
it's a passport