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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The film festival ... (OPEN) by a famous actor last Sunday.
The film festival WAS OPENED by a famous actor last Sunday.
.... (OCEANS/ AFFECT) by global warming every year?
ARE OCEANS AFFECTED by global warming every year ?
He's too short TO REACH/ REACHING the top shelf.
He's too short TO REACH the top shelf.
Name 5 JOBS
We must ENTER/ TO ENTER this room.
We must ENTER this room.
How many endangered animals ... (SAVE) by the charity last year?
How many endangered animals WERE SAVED by tje charity last year?
The books ... (NOT/DELIVER) to Jessica on Monday.
The books WEREN'T DELIVERED to Jessica on Monday.
The lost dog .... (TAKE) to an animal shelter last week.
The lost dog WAS TAKEN to an animal shelter last week.
Do you fancy GO/GOING to the theatre tomorrow?
Do you fancy GOING to the theatre tomorrow?
The Atacama Desert ... (KNOW) as the driest desert in the world.
The Atacama Desert IS KNOWN as the driest desert in the world.
I'd love TO GO/GO out tonight.
I'd love TO GO out tonight.
Paper .... (RECYCLE) regularly in our school.
Paper IS RECYCLED regularly in our school
Mackbeth .... (WRITE) by Shakespeare between 1603 and 1607.
Mackbeth WAS WRITTEN by Shakespeare between 1603 and 1607.
Name 5 means of transport
He started WORK/WORKING here two years ago.
He started WORKING here two years ago.
There's no point TO TALK/TALKING to him.
There's no point TO TALK.
He promises BE/TO BE back soon
He promises TO BE back soon.