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Ali, Child of the Desert

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How far do you have to travel to reach Europe?
8 miles/13 km
How long can a camel go without water?
Fifteen days.
Which one is the camel?!?
A camel has one hump. A dromedary has two.
This is a place for worship for Muslims.
A mosque
Ali was given some:
The official religion in Morocco is:
What is the name of the famous desert in Morocco?
The Sahara desert.
Where is the country of Morocco?
It's a Northern African country.
Describe something you accomplished on your own.
What would you do is you were lost?
Did Ali make the right decision to wait for his father? Explain.
Why didn't Ali leave with Abdul to the mountains?
Because Ali wanted to wait for his father.
What things did Abdul leave for Ali?
A musket and a pile of dates.
How did Ali and Abdul first greet each other?
Asalaam-o-Aleikum, Aleikum-o-Asalaam
What did Ali and his father want to buy at the market?
Cloth, a copper kettle, sugar, new knives, gold coins and hard candy.