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American Tiger 4 - U2 - CLIL - four great books  ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sinbad isn't ------ of the monsters, snakes and birds
Sinbad isn't scared of the monsters, snakes and birds
Charlie finds the golden ticket in a -----
Charlie finds the golden ticket in a chocolate bar
What's the name of the book?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Describe Alice - What does Alice look like?
She has long, straight, light hair and blue eyes.
This world is -----
This world is amazing
In Alice in Wonderland, the animals and objects can ----
In Alice in Wonderland, the animals and objects can talk.
What's the name of the book?
Alice in Wonderland
What does Alice wear?
She wears and blue (and white) dress.
Alice is very ------
Alice is very imaginative
When Black Beauty is young, he lives on a ----
When Black Beauty is young, he lives on a farm
In the book Black Beauty, the narrator is the ------
In the book Black Beauty, the narrator is the horse
Black Beauty is a ----- horse
Black Beauty is a clever horse
Black Beauty is a ----
Black Beauty is a horse
This is a -------
This is a chocolate factory
Charlie and his family don't have -----
Charlie and his family don't have money
Charlie and his family are very -----
Charlie and his family are very poor.
What does Charlie find in the chocolate bar?
Charlie finds a golden ticket
Charlie is really -----
Charlie is really lucky
Charlie is boy. He ----- in a small house.
Charlie is boy. He lives in a small house.
Sinbad is ----- and ------
Sinbad is brave and strong
What animals attack Sinbad?
Giant snakes and birds attack Sinbad.
Sinbad looks for -----
Sinbad looks for treasures
Sinbad ------- the seven seas.
Sinbad sails the seven seas.
Sinbad is a ----------
Sinbad is a sailor