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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long is a marathon?
42 km
Which 3 sports form a thriatlon?
Swimming, cycling and running.
How many players start in each basketball team?
5 players
How many players start in each football team?
11 players
What do the Olympic rings represent?
They represent the 5 continents in the Olympics: Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australia.
Name 3 sports that DON'T use a ball.
swimming, cycling, gymnastics, skiing, skateboarding etc
What color cards can a player be shown?
Red and yellow
Name 2 water sports.
swimming, surfing, diving, water polo etc
What is his favorite sport? Where is he from?
It's basketball. He's from Canada./He's Canadian.
What is her favorite sport? Where is she from?
It's gymnastics. She's from Brazil./She's Brazilian.
What is his favorite sport? Where is he from?
It's judo. He's from Japan./He's Japanese.
What is his favorite sport? Where is he from?
It's soccer. He's from Portugal./He's Portuguese.
What is her favorite sport? Where is she from?
It's swimming. She's from France./She's French.
What is his favorite sport? Where is he from?
It's table tennis. He's from China./She's Chinese.
What is her favorite sport? Where is she from?
It's tennis. She's from the USA./She's American.
What is her favorite sport? Where is she from?
It's volleyball. She's from Germany./She's German.
What sport is this?
It's volleyball.
What sport is this?
It's tennis.
What sport is this?
It's table tennis.
What sport is this?
It's swimming.
What sport is this?
It's soccer/football.
What sport is this?
It's judo.
What sport is this?
It's gymnastics.
What sport is this?
It's basketball.