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Art / Design Stuff

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True or False: 'Gamboge' is an actual color name.
What's another word or name to describe the color or shade of 'red'?
Crimson, ruby, scarlet, cherry, cardinal, wine, carmine, vermillion, rose, coral...
What is this mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci called...?
The Last Supper
What two colors make green?
Blue and Yellow
The Japanese art of paper folding is called....?
What animal is often used to symbolize 'peace' in art?
A Dove
What is the main substance used to make crayons?
In what country can you see the Sphinx?
What is the name of this painting by Edvard Munch?
The Scream
What's the general term for this type of art?
What kind of art is this called?
If you mix red and blue together, what color do you get?
A point moving through space is called _________?
A Line
What's an element of art that can be described as fuzzy, soft, coarse, slick, matte, etc. or how something feels?
Hue is another word for ______?
Who's the artist of this Michelle Obama painting?
Amy Sherald
What are these?
Film canisters (film for photography)
Name at least two warm colors
red, orange, yellow, brown, peach
What is this old thing?
Wet plate camera
Who's the artist of this painting?
Kehinde Wiley
What is the name of this painting by Vincent van Gogh?
Starry Night
Name the 3 Primary Colors
Red, Blue, Yellow
Which 'Square' in Cambridge is Graffiti Alley located in?
Central Square
Name the 3 Secondary Colors
Orange, Purple, Green