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Cinco de Mayo

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do we celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
for the culture and to celebrate their history!
How many toes does yoda have ?
3 or 4
Yoda was almost played by what animal?
A Monkey!
Does anyone know where Yoda comes from?
Chewbacca's voice comes from what?
Animal noises
The Light saber noise comes from what?
A Tv and A projector motor
What color is the light saber of EVIL in the movie Star Wars?
What color is the light saber on the GOOD side in the movie Star wars?
Green, Blue and Purple
Are there lots of bright colors on this holiday? (Name 3)
Yes lots (Pink,Red,Green,Yellow,Blue,etc)
What language is Cinco de Mayo in?
Do people in the US celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
What is a fiesta
A Party!
What kind of dancers dance on Cinco de Mayo?
Folkloric Dancers
How many avocados are eaten on Cinco de mayo?
81 million pounds!
What kid of music is played typically during Cinco de Mayo?
True or False Cinco de mayo is the Mexican day of independence
In what town did the battle take place?
What colors are the Mexican flag?
Green, red and white
What kind of food is eaten on Cinco de mayo?
Tacos, nachos, Quesadillas (Mexican food)
What does Cinco de Mayo mean?
The 5th of May