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Matter, Mixture, Waste

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which separating technique separates magnetic materials from non magnetic ones?
magnetic separation
Which separating technique separates heterogeneous mixtures?
Which separating technique separates homogeneous mixtures?
What kind of mixture is an orange juice? (a. homogeneous mixture b. heterogeneous mixture)
It's a homogeneous mixture.
What kind of mixture is a salad? (a. homogeneous mixture b. heterogeneous mixture)
It's a heterogeneous mixture.
Is burning a paper physical change or chemical change?
It's chemical change.
Is frying an egg physical change or chemical change?
It's chemical change.
Is melting a candle physical change or chemical change?
It's physical change.
Is chopping a banana physical change or chemical change?
It's physical change.
Objects with high density _____. (a. float b. sink)
Objects with high density sink.
Objects with low density _____. (a. float b. sink)
Objects with low density float.
This force is the force someone or something applies to another object.
applied force
This force is an upward force and makes objects float.
buoyant force
What force pulls objects towards each other? This stops us and everything flying into space.
What force can either attract or repel magnetic objects?
What type of waste is a broken mobile phone?
It's an E-waste.
What type of waste is a drink can?
It's a recyclable waste.
What type of waste is a banana skin?
It's an organic waste.
Where non-recyclable wastes such as nappies taken to?
They are take to a landfill site.
What type of waste is a plastic bag?
They are non-recyclable wastes.