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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A:___________ do you study English? B: Because I want to travel
A:Why do you study English? B: Because I want to travel
A:_________ time does the meeting start? B: At 9.30
A:What time does the meeting start? B: At 9.30
A:_________ do you do? B: I'm a designer
A:What do you do? B: I'm a designer
A:______________ do you have English lessons? B: On Mondays
A:When do you have English lessons? B: On Mondays
A:________'s your favourite singer? B: Bob Marley
A:Who's your favourite singer? B: Bob Marley
A:_____________ are you so late? B: Because I couldn't find my keys
A:Why are you so late? B: Because I couldn't find my keys
A:___________ do you prefer, wine or beer? B: I prefer red wine
A:Which do you prefer, wine or beer? B: I prefer red wine
A:_______'s your boss? B: My boss is Mr Jackson
A:Who's your boss? B: My boss is Mr Jackson
A:___________'s your name? B: My name's Tom
A:What's your name? B: My name's Tom
A: ___________ 's your birthday? B: It's on 10th December
A: When 's your birthday? B: It's on 10th December
A:_____________ is this? B: It's $250
A:How much is this? B: It's $250
A: __________ is Mr Smith's office? B: It's on the 3rd floor
A: Where is Mr Smith's office? B: It's on the 3rd floor
A: ______________ are you? B: I'm 50 years old
A:How old are you? B: I'm 50 years old
A: ____________ cups of coffee do you drink a day? B: One or two
A: How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? B: One or two
A: ______________ do you live? B_ I live in central London
A: Where do you live? B_ I live in central London