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Correct the mistakes in the sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jake isnā€™t here and neither is his bike, he must go for a bike ride.
Jake isnā€™t here and neither is his bike, he must have gone for a bike ride.
My parents allowed to me to go to the party although it was during the week.
My parents allowed me to go to the party although it was during the week.
My brother would take my clothes without asking, it drives me crazy!
My brother is always taking my clothes without asking, it drives me crazy!
Iā€™m happy because I already have passed my driving test.
Iā€™m happy because I have already passed my driving test.
The best thing for me about the book has been the characters.
The best thing for me about the book was the characters.
Samā€™s got a red face because he is running for half an hour.
Samā€™s got a red face because he has been running for half an hour.
Kate never has seen that ļ¬lm, but sheā€™d like to one day.
Kate has never seen that ļ¬lm, but sheā€™d like to one day.
I stayed at home yesterday because it was a study day and I neednā€™t go to school.
I stayed at home yesterday because it was a study day and I didn't have to go to school.
Iā€™ve taken most things out of my case so itā€™s as light than a feather now.
Iā€™ve taken most things out of my case so itā€™s as light as a feather now.
When I was younger, my family would live in France, but now we live in Scotland.
When I was younger, my family lived/used to live in France, but now we live in Scotland.