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Scavenger Hunt Grade 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you show me your photo?
Well done!
Can you show me window?
Well done!
Can you show me Mr Kenan?
Well done!
can you show me your sister?
Well done!
can you show me your English book?
Well done!
can you show me your toothbrush?
Well done!
can you find your favorite toy?
Well done!
Can you show a tortilla?
Well done!
Can you show me your dog?
Well done!
Can you show your school bag?
Well done!
Can you find a glass of water?
Well done!
Can you find a remote control?
Well done!
Can you find a mask?
Well done!
Can you find a pillow?
Well done!
Can you find a spoon?
Well done!
Can you find an apple?
Well done!
Can you find a T-shirt?
Well done!
Can you find some bread?
Well done!
Can you find a hat?
Well done!
Can you find an umbrella?
Well done!
Can you find something yellow?
Well done!
Can you find a backpack?
Well done!
Can you find a toothbrush?
Well done!
Can you find a toy?
Well done!
Can you find a pair of socks?
Well done!
Can you find a pair of sleepers?
Well done!
Can you find a book?
Well done!
Can you find a mug?
Well done!
Can you find a scarf?
Well done!
Can you find something green?
Well done!
Can you find a ball?
Well done!