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B1 U9 revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't hear you, please read your answers ... to me in a loud voice
In the test students crossed the incorrect answers ...
I flicked ... the magazine and then bought it.
I didn't know many words so I had to look... them.
Students have to fill ... the answers on their tests.
When you finish that page, turn ... and read the next one
I love this book, I want to read...tonight until I get to the end of it
where you can find how to use some gadgets
where you can find places in other city
where you can find information about the geography of a country
frightening story
novel about past events
historical fiction
story about love
you can see it at the theatre or read it
story is about trolls, dragons and other creatures
What book are you reading? Mom asked me...
Mom asked me what book I was reading.
Where have you been when I called you? He asked me...
He asked me where I had been when he had called me.
Who is that woman? he asked...
He asked who that woman was.
Do you read fairy tales? She asked me...
She asked me if I read fairy tales.
You have to work hard if you want a good salary this month! Boss said...
We had to work hard if we wanted a good salary that month!
They may go out tonight. Mom said...
They might go out that night.
My parents will go abroad this summer. William said...
His parents would go abroad that summer.
I've written two novels. She said...
She had written two novels.
We are swimming in the lake! The water is nice. She said...
They were swimming in the lake! The water was nice.
I was feeling quite tired yesterday. He said...
He had been feeling quite tired the day before.
Mark speaks French very well. She said...
He spoke French very well.
I wrote my first book two months ago. She said...
She had written her first book two months before.