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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say " Me disfruto jugar tennis" in English?
I enjoy playing tennis
How do you say " Me gusta tocar la guitarra" in English?
I like playing the guitar
How do you say " Me encanta cantar" in English?
I love singing
How do you say " Me desagrada tocar la flauta" in English?
I dislike playing the flute
How do you say " No me gusta tocar los tambores" in English?
I don't like playing the drumbs
How do you say " No me molesta tocar el violin" in English?
I don't mind playing the violin
How do you say " Odio tocar el piano" in English?
I hate playing the piano
How do you say " Yo disfruto lavar las ventanas" in English?
I enjoy washing the windows
How do you say " Yo disfruto aspirar la alfombra" in English?
I enjoy vacuuming the carpet
How do you say " Me gusta comprar la comida o me gusta hacer el mercado" in English?
I like shopping groceries
How do you say " Me encanta pasear al perro" in English?
I love walking the dog
How do you say "Me desagrada doblar ropa" in English?
I dislike folding clothes
How do you say "No me gusta sacer la basura" in English?
I don't like taking out the trash / I don't like taking out the garbage
How do you say "No me molesta planchar ropa" in English?
I don't mind ironing clothes
How do you say "Odio limpiar la mesa" in English?
I hate cleaning the table / I hate clearing the table
How do you say "Yo disfruto tejer" in English?
I enjoy knitting
How do you say "Me gusta cocinar" in English?
I like cooking
How do you say "Me encanta barrer el suelo" in English?
I love sweeping the floor
How do you say "Me desagrada lavar los platos" in English?
I dislike washing the dishes / I dislike doing the dishes
How do you say "No me gusta tender la cama" in English?
I don't like making the bed
How do you say "No me molesta regar las plantas" in English?
I don't mind watering the plants
How do you say "Odio trapear el suelo" in English?
I hate mopping the floor
How do you say "Yo disfruto dibujar" in English?
I enjoy drawing
How do you say "Me gusta jugar juegos de mesa" in English?
I like playing board games
How do you say "Me encanta leer" in English?
I love reading
How do you say "Me desagrada acampar" in English?
I dislike camping
How do you say "No me gusta navegar la internet" in English?
I don't like surfing the internet
How do you say "No me molesta montar bicicleta" in English?
I don't mind riding bike
How do you say "Odio bailar" in English?
I hate dancing
How do you say "Yo disfruto cantar" in English?
I enjoy singing
How do you say "Me gusta escuchar música" in English?
I like listening to music.
How do you say "Me encanta jugar video juegos" in English?
I love playing video games
How do you say "Me desagrada ir al cine" in English?
I dislike going to the movies / I dislike going to the cinema
How do you say "No me gusta hornear" in English?
I don't like baking
How do you say "No me molesta hacer ejercicio" in English?
I don't mind doing exercise
How do you say "Odio ir de compras" in English?
I hate going shopping