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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The hurricane that hit the Bahamas was a huge CATASTROPHE. Everything was destroyed, people lost their homes, and many died. What's a CATASTROPHE?
A disaster, an event that causes huge damage
A light storm that does little damage
"Dude, can you CEASE that pencil tapping? You've been doing it for 10 minutes and I'm sick of it!" What does CEASE mean?
To see something
Hudson felt that the PS5 was way SUPERIOR to the PS4. He was so glad he got it! What does SUPERIOR mean?
"What are the dates that you need me to babysit? Can you give them to me in CHRONOLOGICAL order so that I can write them down in order?" What does CHRONOLOGICAL mean?
In order by date
Names of children
I wasn't able to get my vaccine because I am 14, and you have to be 16 to be ELIGIBLE. What does ELIGIBLE mean?
Allowed to do something
To old
"Um, I don't really like that lunch," Jorge said. "Is there an ALTERNATIVE lunch? What does ALTERNATIVE mean?
Something different, another choice
The same choice
Marco and Fizel had TENTATIVE plans on Saturday - they were hoping to hang out, but weren't sure if it was going to happen or what they would do. What does TENTATIVE mean?
Not totally worked out, unsure
Sure or definite plans
Nisha arrived at 4:00 pm for a 4:00 pm appointment. Good, she wasn't late! She's always PUNCTUAL. What does PUNCTUAL mean?
On time
"We find the defendant not guilty," the jury announced. Jimmy was EXONERATED so he wouldn't have to go to prison! What does EXONERATED mean?
Found free of blame; not guilty; freed
Found guilty; had to go to jail
Unfortunately, the Army unit suffered many CASUALTIES during the battle. Patel cried thinking about the people they lost. What are CASUALTIES?
Deaths (people who died)
To lose money
Dakota hadn't eaten since before she ran 5 miles. She ran inside and made a big snack, because she was FAMISHED! What does FAMISHED mean?
Very hungry.
Not too hungry
Jamal's teacher was trying to explain how to multiply two numbers, but Jamal just didn't understand! He was so PERPLEXED and needed more help understanding how to do it. What does PERPLEXED mean?
To understand
"Okay Mom, I will PERSUADE you to let me get a pet! I promise I will take care of it, and I'm responsible, and we'd have so much fun!" What does PERSUADE mean?
Convince, make someone do something
To give up
"Do you live here?" Azita asked Tony. "No, I am just visiting. I am a CITIZEN of Spain." What does CITIZEN mean?
Someone who legally lives in a certain country
Someone who is visiting
Gwen's dog is so OBEDIENT. He never gets into trouble and does everything she says. What does OBEDIENT mean?
Following directions and orders
Not listening to what they're told
Connie said, "I wish my birthday happened every month, instead of only happening ANNUALLY!" What does ANNUALLY mean?
Every year/yearly
Every day
The family was in a car accident. When they looked at the car, they realized they weren't hurt and there was no car damage. "Wow! We are so FORTUNATE to be okay!" said Tamika. What does FORTUNATE mean?
The lake SURROUNDED the castle so that nobody could just walk right up to the castle. What does SURROUNDED mean?
Went all around
To only be behind something
Bianca yawned for the 10th time. "I need to go to bed. I'm getting DROWSY." What does DROWSY mean?
Sleepy, tired, exhausted
Wide awake
Archie the dog fell right to sleep after his busy day at the dog park. "Wow, I think we EXHAUSTED him," Lauren said. What does EXHAUSTED mean?
tired out
give energy to something
"We can't run the sprinklers today," Mom said on a hot summer's day. "Water is SCARCE because it hasn't rained in two weeks." What does SCARCE mean?
not a lot, not enough
a lot, too much
At Starbucks they always knew Brian's order because he went there FREQUENTLY. What does FREQUENTLY mean?
Paula said, "On the PREVIOUS page, the character did something unusual, so look back to that page if you forget what it was." What does PREVIOUS mean?
Mom said, "I have to pick you up early from school today. I will email your teachers to INFORM them." What does INFORM mean?
to forget