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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What part of a house is this?
It's a wall.
What part of a house is this?
It's a door.
What part of a house are these?
These are windows.
Is melting chocolate REVERSIBLE change or IRREVERSIBLE change?
It's reversible change.
Is freezing water REVERSIBLE change or IRREVERSIBLE change?
It's reversible change.
Is cooking an egg REVERSIBLE change or IRREVERSIBLE change?
It's irreversible change.
Is burning paper REVERSIBLE change or IRREVERSIBLE change?
It's irreversible change.
The air is ... (a. solid b. liquid c. gas)
The air is gas.
Ice cubes are .... (a. solid b. liquid c. gas)
Ice cubes are solid.
The ocean is ... (a. solid b. liquid c. gas)
The ocean is liquid.
What are they doing doing? (a. pulling the door b. pushing the door)
They are pushing the door.
What is the man doing? (a. pulling the door b. pushing the door)
The man is pulling the door.
The bicycle is parked. Is it moving or stopping?
It's stopping.
The jaguar is running. Is it moving or stopping?
It's moving.
Is this stretching, twisting or squashing?
It's squashing.
Is this stretching, twisting or squashing?
It's twisting.
Is this stretching, twisting or squashing?
It's stretching.
Is this heating, cooling or bending?
It's bending.
Is this heating, cooling or bending?
It's cooling.
Is this heating, cooling or bending?
It's heating.