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Mass, Volume and Mixtures

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which technique is better to separate sand and coins? (a. magnetic separation b. evaporation c. filtration)
magnetic separation
Which technique is better to separate milk tea and tapioca balls? (a. magnetic separation b. evaporation c. filtration)
Which technique is better to separate salt and water? (a. magnetic separation b. evaporation c. filtration)
______ separates heterogeneous mixtures. (a. magnetic separation b. evaporation c. filtration)
______ separates homogeneous mixtures. (a. magnetic separation b. evaporation c. filtration)
______ uses a magnet to separate mixtures. (a. magnetic separation b. evaporation c. filtration)
magnetic separation
In _______ mixture, it's IMPOSSIBLE to see the different substances. The substances CAN'T be easily separated. (a. homogeneous mixture b. heterogeneous mixture)
homogeneous mixture
In _______ mixture, it's EASY to see the different substances. The substances CAN BE EASILY separated. (a. homogeneous mixture b. heterogeneous mixture)
heterogeneous mixture
Is seafood paella homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?
It's heterogeneous mixture.
Is a sandwich homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?
It's heterogeneous mixture.
Are chocolate chip cookies homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?
They're heterogeneous mixture.
Is strawberry milkshake, homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?
It's homogeneous mixture.
Lemon, sugar and water make lemonade. Is lemonade homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?
It's homogeneous mixture.
Is coffee homogenous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?
It's homogeneous mixture.
Which has more volume, the tablet or the cellphone?
The tablet has more volume than the cellphone.
Which has smaller mass, the apple or the hamburger?
The hamburger has smaller mass than the apple.
Which has larger mass, the blue ball or the red ball?
The blue ball has larger mass than the red ball.